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Milda Zizyte (she/her)

In a past life, Milda used to test robots in Pittsburgh, PA. Now she teaches embedded systems and other courses at Brown! When not doing that, she enjoys going outside, taking care of plants, and making all sorts of things.


April Xu (she/her)

Hi everyone! I’m from Frisco, Texas, and I’m a senior studying CS. I’m passionate about walkable cities and waffles. Excited to meet y’all this semester!

David Chen (he/him)

I’m a senior concentrating in Computer Science from Mount Laurel, New Jersey. In my free time, I’m probably drinking too much coffee during the day, helping run Brown’s Dungeons and Dragons club, or trying to keep my houseplants alive for more than 2 weeks.

Hannah Jeon (she/her)

Hi! I’m a senior from Seattle, WA concentrating in Computer Science. Besides embedded systems, I love K-BBQs, going to beaches, and playing video games (currently playing Persona 5). I’m also on a journey to build my first PC if anyone wants to help ;) I’m very excited to meet everyone this Fall!

Zach Weachter (he/they)

Zach Weachter graduated from Brown last Spring, but they are back as a 5th-year Master’s student in Computer Science. They took this course in Fall 2022 (ask about the RGB cube) and are so excited to be back as a TA! They love baking, theatre, music, and real-time and embedded software.